Once a Spirit Whisperer has placed the earthly remains in their final resting spot, a memorial can be erected to mark it for future visitors. If you are going to be buried on public land or lands belonging to someone else that won’t let you erect a memorial, you still can mark the place for visitors. The Spirit Whisperer will use a GPS to note the spots longitude and latitude at the time of the placement. This can be entered on a memorial certificate and framed for display. We have a certificate that you can print out just for this purpose.
Memorial Scrapbooks
People like to make scrapbooks with photos and other items from the life of the deceased. Photos can be taken at the wake as well as at the site selected for spreading the ashes. Be sure and ask your Spirit Whisperer to take digital photos of the site along with noting the latitude and longitude so you can include these in your scrapbook.
Engraved Items
There are many items to be purchased that can contain a small part of the ashes while the rest of the ashes are spread by your Spirit Whisperer. You may even want to have the urn engraved and keep it after the ashes have been spread. Some will just select a nice engraved item to display.
Memorials are important.
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