Wednesday, June 11

About Pyrefyre

I started this blog to highlight the fact that by 2010 we should see 1/3 of the people in the US select cremation. Some will still prefer internment and others will end up in someone’s home. In this blog, we are looking for green ways to spread those ashes in our favorite place here on the earth. In addition to spreading the ashes, we want to see more of you celebrate the life of the deceased and not have such a somber time. It is time to see that person in their best light and not made up and stuffed in a box.

It is important that you leave your family instructions on how you would like them to handle your body and service after death. There are books available where you can just fill in the details. Don’t wait until tomorrow because you just never know when the grim reaper will arrive. There are a few details that need to be decided besides the actual cremation. We will discuss them to help you decide on your personal plan.

We will be looking for the most creative ways to honor the dead in new green burials. Ways that touch a memory within our life and convince us that this is the way we want to go into the next realm. Let us not forget that the celebration of our life is for the ones we leave behind. Select something that helps them remember what your life was really all about. Green funerals and memorial parks or select a part of God’s country to have your ashes scattered. Don’t settle for going 6 feet under with the same old expensive funeral. Save money, save space, and save the planet. Punctuate your life will a big exclamation point. Go out in style!


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