The road less traveled for a green burial
Spreading your ashes after cremation occurs in a lot of different countries. So if you decide to have your ashes spread outside the US, it is important to be aware of local customs and laws. In Sweden, people are spreading their ashes in the mountains. This is distasteful to the local Reindeer herders who have to walk over that area. To them it is like walking over a grave in a cemetery. So they are seeking a change to the laws. Even if the law says you can spread your ashes somewhere, it is still your responsibility not to tread on the sensitivities of the people who have to live there.

Be courteous to others and select your final resting spot well. Some places you find along the way are inappropriate for spreading ashes. One example is shown in the picture. If you are a Spirit Whisperer, the “path less traveled” is the one to select. Try and get away from any marked area and use the GPS to mark the spot for relatives. It will take a little extra effort but is within the confines of showing respect for not only the deceased but for the living also.
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