Spreading my Ashes
How many people reading this blog have ever thought about attending their own funeral? A lot of us have a fascination with seeing who might show up. As we all know, this isn’t a possibility unless you are missing and declared dead just like in the movies. Much like people in the movies getting amnesia, it just isn’t happening in the real world. What we are left with is leaving a will to instruct our survivors how we want people to commemorate our departure.
In recent surveys, almost 1 in 3 people were selecting cremation as their preferred choice. It is the cheaper choice over a funeral and can even be free if you donate your body to science. At pyrefyre, we think you should honor how the deceased lived their life with a memorial gathering and a spreading of ashes in their favorite spot. People have picked space, the sea, national parks, and even their favorite sports stadium to have their ashes spread. I am sure that some of you readers will have a lot more fun and exotic places that you would like for your final resting place.
A distinct advantage with cremation is the ability to schedule the gathering without regards to moving a body. An urn is much easier to transport. The gathering to commemorate your departure can be something simple like an open bar and food if you want to guarantee a big crowd or something much more elaborate. Inviting everyone to the Bonnaroo festival to honor your recently departed spirit with a weekend of live music would guarantee a big honor for you. In my mother-in-laws case, she was an artist, all she wanted was for everyone to view her art and take some home. Come join us and leave your most creative PyreFyre send off.
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