Tuesday, September 2

Unusual ways to Scatter your ashes

Some of these may give you ideas for what you would like to do. Others will think these people have lost their mind long before their body was cremated. You might have read about the guy who has money in an account to pay for a stripper to lie there while they pour his ashes on her breasts. It makes you wonder what happens after wards. Will he end up in the dustbin? A woman decided to keep her husband in the kitchen with her by making an egg timer from his ashes. This could be a very good weight loss aid if anyone knew what she used to prepare the food for him or her. I know I would lose my appetite.

 A deceased drag racing fan had his ashes packed into a parachute for a race. When the race was over, the chute deployed and he was scattered at the end of the drag strip. An animal lover wants his ashes attached to a black bear like one of those tracking collars. Hopefully, he won’t ask one of his relatives to put it there for him.

Ashes can be mixed with a variety of things and made into art. One example is the person who had their ashes mixed with ink and made into a comic book. Now, some of these may never have happened or ever will happen. Whichever way you choose to scatter your ashes, be sure and show respect for the person being scattered. As we have discussed before at PyreFyre, it is about going out in style not just as a pile of ashes somewhere.


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