As more and more people, 1 in 3 today, are deciding on
instead of traditional burial, it has caused a glut of burial plots on the market. People who bought plots but have decided on cremation or switching to a different cemetery are not finding buyers for their plots. Funeral homes who like to sell traditional burial plots in advance of death are not finding a very good market these days. More and more people will be deciding to go out in style and use cremation instead of the once somber funeral service and burial.
On top of people deciding to use cremation because they can't afford the traditional burial, some had prepaid funeral plans that are worthless as companies went bankrupt.The average cost of a plot is $3500 while the average cost of cremation is around $750. With cremation you can do without the expensive casket and embalming fees. As cremation goes up to Almost 50% in the next couple of decades, funeral homes will soon need to consolidate or go bankrupt leaving even more people without their burial plans.
In years past, funeral homes could prey on the easy convinced
to buy expensive items to honor their love ones. These costs were just put on credit cards but today credit is not as easily given. So, people are looking and better ways to honor their dead. And it isn't just the lack of money that is making people decide to forgo the traditional funeral. They just don't see the need to continue on with the tradition. More and more people prefer the green burial where embalming fluid isn't used and land can be used for other things besides the dead.
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