PyreFyre: Going out in style on the 4th of july
The 4th of July is here again and spreading your ashes by fireworks is making the news. Many people in the US have fond memories of fireworks so this is a popular way to go out in style. The fireworks company just loads up shells with your ashes so you blend with all the pretty blues, reds, and whites.
Be sure and pick a spot for your memorial plaque or stone because your ashes will be scattered to the 4 winds as they say. If you save some ashes
Angel's flight in California can handle the task of spreading your ashes by fireworks. If you don't feel like scattering your ashes by fireworks will be how you want to go out in style, another good holiday scattering can be done by a hot air balloon. In a hot air balloon, your love ones can go up and do the scattering themselves. A poem can be read to celebrate your life before your returned to the land where you started so many years ago.

Of course the expression of grief
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