Wednesday, September 8

Pick up those ashes

Many people are opting for cremation today with the economy being is such a poor state. Even the local governments are running short of funds, so they are using cremation on the citizens that can't afford a traditional funeral. The families just don't have the extra funds to take care of their loved ones. So when they can't pay the bill, often times the ashes just get left at the funeral home. Each state has different laws that govern the how long a funeral home has to legally keep the ashes. However, they rarely inter the ashes but hope that a family member will show up to claim them so the ashes are kept on a shelf.

Sometimes, certain organizations will step in and help. Veteran organization will see that the ashes of a veteran will be interred properly. If you are a member of some fraternal organization, they will often do the same for their members. For the majority of the people, the ashes remain there,  not collected by anyone. This is why it is important to plan your departure and go out in style. You don't want to have your final resting place be some shelf in the dark recesses of the funeral home.

Pick the person who will be handling your arrangements very carefully. Funeral homes report that family squabbles account for some of the left ashes. Be sure and pick someone responsible enough to carry out your plan to be spread in your favorite place or interred in your favorite garden. Leave written directions and check into all the details of your plan. If you want someone to travel to be able to spread your ashes, are you sure they are committed to do that? Plan well, and everything will go smoothly. After all, a smooth exit is certainly a part of going out in style.


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