Scattering ashes by airplane

If you plan on scattering ashes by your own airplane, or by using a pilot friend to take you up, there is something you need to consider. Companies that perform this service report that most ashes fly back inside the airplane or coat the outside of it. They have built systems to guarantee dispersal. So just be aware that it isn’t as easy to spread ashes from an airplane as you think. Trips to scatter with no one attending are $500 or less for reasonable distances.
This method of scattering allows you to decide where you want your ashes to be dispersed also. A flight can be scheduled over some of the prettiest terrain on this planet. California companies will take you out over the ocean or back over the mountains. Select the spot you wish to be scattered and then look for a company in that area. They will know the local regulations for scattering your ashes. You can have the scattering attended by a few friends or relatives if you desire.
Spirit Whisperer
Try and select a nice day either near sunrise or sunset. This will make the pictures and the setting more appropriate for the send off. If you will be the only one there to scatter the ashes, take your mp3 player with headphones for some mood setting music. As a Spirit Whisperer, you should write down your thoughts as the ashes are scattered to the winds. Relatives and friends would want to know how the end of a life well lived was punctuated. Pictures, written thoughts, and a GPS mark of the spot on a chart. A suggestion would be to write down a step by step of everything you did to scatter the remains.
In the past, airplane dispersal of cremated remains was limited to pilots mostly. So you would expect the wake to be an aviation theme. As more people are opting for this kind of scattering, the wake should reflect their life. More wakes should be held outdoors in a park or forest. If your spirit whisperer is going to take a movie while the ashes are scattered, then think about having the wake after the scattering. The wake could then end with movie showing the final resting place of a life well lived.
Here at PyreFyre, our number one memorial suggestion is to plant a tree or other green living memorial. If you are a part of a group that has several members wanting a green burial, consider building a memorial forest or park just for scattering. Online memorials, electronic memorials, or art memorials are always good ideas.See our memorial page for links.
I really don't believe it is appropriate to offer a reward to kids based upon
something their parents have to do. Whether or not their parents sign your form is certainly out of their control. It also puts the kid in a bad position between the parent and the teacher just because they want a reward like the rest of the kids. You should really rethink this plan.
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