Monday, August 25

Cremation: Out of the Closet


It is time for some of you to be sure your relatives have come out of the closet. Crematorium directors have complained that their closets are getting full from cremated remains of your relatives. These are relatives of yours and mine that were never picked up after they were cremated. Some poor lost soul that will never see that great view on the Appalachian hiking trail. Stuck in a cardboard box in some basement is worse than getting stuck in a graveyard.

States have various laws that allow the crematorium to bury or spread the ashes but mostly they just hang on to them. Some people have literally walked off and left urns in houses when they have moved away. Another good reason that we here at PyreFyre think you should spread your ashes. Who wants to end up with the cleaning lady or spread around the landfill? These people deserve to Go Out in Style, not to go out with the next treasure sale, forgotten, and placed in the trash bin.

Recently a group of people got together and spread the ashes of some veterans who were simply left at the crematorium. They all thought that someone who had served in our armed forces deserved better. Well, here at Pyrefyre, we believe that other groups should do the same. How about all you Methodists, Baptist, Catholics, and other religious organizations go seek out those with like faith, pray over them, and get them to a better place than in someone’s closet.

This doesn’t have to be to just religious groups. There are a lot more organizations out there that can check on their members. Unions, Fraternal organizations, any and every kind of organization can do their part. Try and track down the relatives of the decedent left there and get resolution for that soul left in the closet.


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