Tuesday, September 9

Last Years, Last Days, Last Thoughts, Last Plays

As you get older, you watch the lives end for people you love and people who have been a part of your life as long as you can remember. So goes the process for each of us as deaths slips quietly closer and closer to our door. We are just too busy living to notice until we wake up one day and start counting the years left instead of the years we have lived on this Earth. Our thoughts turn to what may be after death and a shadow of doubt blankets our vision of the afterlife. Finally, we can see a world that does not include us ever again. We will depart and leave it to those left behind. That is the one true thing we can all count on to happen in the end.

How we handle the next few years will say a lot about our true beliefs and personality. Will you go quietly into the night expecting to wake up in a Heavenly place or will you go kicking and screaming like a child afraid of what lies in the dark? It is our belief here at PyreFyre that you feel a closer affinity with the afterlife, as you get closer to your departure date. Although none of us know that day, our soul senses something coming on the horizon with our earthly attachment seeming a lot weaker. It feels almost like you could have an out of body experience at anytime. Your soul begins to understand that it is separate from the body.

In the end, we want to leave a legacy, feel comfortable about what happens next, and go out in style. Here at PyreFyre, we just concern ourselves with going out in style. We do understand that to go out in style you must certainly feel comfortable with what happens next. While it is certainly appropriate to feel apprehension about the afterlife, those that feel like going out kicking and screaming should find another site to express that fear. So think about those last plays. Have some fun, enjoy the things you meant to do years ago, and get set to experience wonders not seen before.


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