Tuesday, November 11

Don't mail those ashes

There have been numerous accounts in the news of people remaining on the rolls of various organizations after they have died. A recent article about voting in Florida listed several people who were still eligible to vote even though they were dead. I think dead people have voted through out the ages. Organizations just hate to lose members even when they die especially if it means votes or money.

What you don't want to do after your loved one is dead and cremated is try to make the financial industry remove their loan obligations by sending ashes. One woman sent her son's ashes to his student loan company and they thought his ashes were anthrax. Of course, if you read about the financial melt down, it is not surprising because I doubt we have much intelligence in the banking industry. However, a simple picture of the urn might have done the trick just as well.

Ashes deserve more respect than using them in a money argument. That seems like cutting off someone's finger from a corpse and mailing it. Those ashes are part of your loved one. What ever you do with them, do it respectfully. Here at PyreFyre we think you should not leave your loved ones ashes around for them to be mishandled. Have them spread as soon as it is reasonable able to do so. No Urns should be left on a mantle or put on the shelf in your closet.

Killers executed by the State sometimes have their ashes spread. The rumor is that Timothy McVeigh had some of his ashes spread at a Burger King. It isn't surprising that the more well known ones would want as private a burial as possible. Souvenirs of infamous people would be highly sought after by those wanting to make a buck. In this case, it is imperative that you select a trustworthy spirit whisperer to carry out your last wishes. You do not want your ashes to end up on Ebay in some macabre art for sale.


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