Tuesday, November 25

Fear not your own death

The one thing that we, as a normal human being, do not like to think about, is our own mortality. So, thinking about death is a very big deal for us. As a young person, we feel immortal and never think it is going to happen to us for a very long time. Death rarely enters our mind at that time except when we do stupid things in front of that cute coed. All this changes of course if we lose someone close to us. Finally, we get older and death begins to stare us right in the eyes.

Planning for our death is something we hear constantly from insurance salesmen, burial plan salesmen, and others. It involves more than buying life insurance for those left behind or a plot to hold our body after we are gone. We should select how we want to be remembered at our death. What you want to have done with your body should be written down and not just mentioned in passing to a loved one.

Start by writing it all down on just a sheet of paper and sign it. You can worry about making it a formal document later. At least writing it down will help you think through what your wishes are for your funeral etc. Finances will play a big part in what you select since you don't want to leave your survivors with a larger debt. If you decide on a PyreFyre green burial, check out all the places to have your ashes spread.

Death is a scary thing and it requires a person to look it squarely in the eyes. The sooner you plan for it, the easier it will be to implement your desires. Do it now before something unexpected happens to you. Tomorrow may be too late.


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