Monday, December 8

Spread my ashes on the football field

This was the weekend that has everyone talking about college football. All those passionate fans that believe their team is the best on the country this year. Fans travel thousands of miles to watch their teams in a bowl game. It is a week long party for the team and the fans. Some fans think the system is flawed but all fans love their teams no matter what happens on the field.

These fans bleed school colors and support their team and school above most everything in their life. You have seen them in the stands when it is freezing and they have no shirt on. Of course, after watching one of these shirt-less fans pour ice water over his head in freezing weather, it appears that some are much closer to spreading their ashes at a young age.

Today, universities that have these really rabid sports fans have started to let them spread their ashes on the sports fields. While some schools still mistakenly believe that ashes are a health hazard, the University of Florida, a team that has been in the championship game two of the last 3 years is one of the schools that allow spreading of ashes at the stadium. It is no wonder they win so many games. Texas A&M may have the 12 man tradition but Florida has a slew of spirits to help

Colleges should install memorial gardens to benefit their alumni and scholarship donors. For years they have put big donors' names on buildings. Why not spread their ashes at a school memorial? Most people have fond memories of their college years and would love to have their ashes spread at the school they attended for their education. This time really shaped our life so why not let your body spend eternity there. School spirit would take on a whole new meaning.


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