Wednesday, June 9

Spreading ashes in your backyard may cause problems

In the past, people would have property in their family for hundreds of years. It was common practice to set aside a patch of ground underneath a large oak tree for the family burial ground. Even today, you can find these burial spots scattered throughout the country on property no longer owned by the family. Where we live, there is a burial plot for a family who once owned this property. They still bury their relatives there because just last year a member was laid to rest under this large maple tree.

As you walk through National Parks in the US, you will see some orphaned burial sites. These plots were long ago a part of some family property. You can still use them if you desire to scatter your ashes. But the point of this discussion is to say that property once expected to be in the family for many years is no longer under family control. More and more people are losing their homes. This is not a good time to spread your ashes on your own property.

With the foreclosures going as they are today, it forces you to look at other alternatives than just spreading your ashes in your garden. You may not own that property when you die or your family may lose it after your ashes are spread. If you don't care about being someone where besides the family property, go ahead and have them spread your ashes there. But give them an alternative if for some reason the property changes hands before they can do it.

One alternative, if you really want to go that route is to take a part of your property and turn it into a green cemetery. Here is our article on that. Otherwise, think twice about where the land will be in 50 years. It is worth some extra thought. When they were doing some road work in Texas, they uncovered a cemetery that was paved over years ago. Is this where you want to have you ashes spread? It would be hard to rest under a major freeway with all that noise and pollution.


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