Wednesday, July 7

Scatter my ashes on the final frontier

NASA isn't the only one that is waiting for the success of the commercial space ventures. Once the commercial flights become routine, there will be a strong demand for carrying ashes into space. NASA will be setting aside 2.5 billion dollars to help those companies get cargo into space. Once these companies develop that capability they will be looking to expand into other types of cargo. Today, two companies are working on different ways to take cargo and people to space. Virgin Galactic and Space Exploration Technologies Corp.

Virgin Galactic is one of the new commercial space companies developing SpaceShipTwo. According to Virgin, more than 300 people have paid almost $40 million in ticket deposits just to spend a few minutes in space. SpaceshipTwo will ride aloft on a carrier aircraft before rocketing off into space. While Virgin will only be providing suborbital flights, these would be perfect to drop off some ashes for those who wish space to be their final resting place.

Space Exploration Technologies Corp. known as Space X will use the Falcon 9 rocket to transport cargo to space. They already have a contract with NASA to deliver cargo to the space station. The Falcon 1, an earlier version of their rocket has an interesting past in regards to carrying ashes into space. They attempted and failed to take a cargo of ashes the first time but eventually succeeded on a later flight.  The media reported on the story because they were attempting to take the ashes of James Doohan, "Scotty" from the Star Trek series into orbit along with several others. So, the market has been established to provide transport to space for cremated remains.

As the population ages, the babyboomers will need help planning their memorial for a life well lived. Many people have a desire to have their ashes spread but they don't have an plans for getting it done. They just tell their loved ones that it is their last wish. So, the grieving have to try and figure out a plan to have the ashes taken to that person's favorite spot. This is where you take over. If you are thinking about starting your own company, I see an opening for someone to provide support  and planning for people looking  to have their ashes dropped off in space.

If you are interested in this type of send off, you won't have to wait long but it won't be a cheap way to go. It is the final frontier so plan a nice wake in the evening with the stars out and select the star for your final destination. Who knows, before eternity passes, your ashes may just end up there. Bon Voyage.


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