Monday, September 29

Green Burial: Thinking ahead

If you don’t decide in advance what kind of burial you want and make arrangements for their costs before you die, it will leave your loved ones stranded and forced to make last minute expensive decisions during their grief. This is very much like trying to buy an airline ticket the day you fly. You will be forced to pay full price with no room for negotiation. Think of all the things that have to be purchased for a traditional funeral.

1. Embalming
2. Viewing
3. Flowers
4. Burial Plot
5. Casket
6. Service
7. Grave opening and closing
8. Basic service fees for the funeral home
9. Grave marker
10. Funeral procession
11. Any extras.

It does add up fast, starts around $6000 and goes up from there to well over $10000 average. So you can see why it is important to write down your wishes long before you die. Have the conversation with your loved ones about what you would like to do. Here is what the FTC says about funeral costs.

The PyreFyre plan is much more streamlined and costs less.

1. Cremation
2. Relatives gather for a wake
3. Spirit whisperer spread ashes
4. Create Memorial

Cremation costs start at $600, which is much less than the cost of buying a casket. The wake can be a simple one with everyone bringing potluck if you desire. You can also spend $15-$25 a person to have it catered. The room will be extra but can be had for free at your church or if held at a public place. If a relative spreads your ashes then it can be done at a nominal cost just for transportation to your final resting place. Finally, the memorial can be created on line for no cost. A big advantage to cremation is the elimination of any hurry to complete the rest of the 3 steps. They can be planned and accomplished when they cost less and it allows for getting everyone there. Do it with creativity and inexpensively so your loved ones can concentrate on you not how will they ever pay for it all. Everyone can go out in style.


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