Monday, October 6

Life is good so Don’t smoke the ashes

sunset: photo courtesy of

Here at Pyrefyre we talk about picking a great place to scatter your ashes after they have a wonderful celebration of your life. This allows you to go out in style instead of sitting on someone’s fireplace mantle. We have also discussed the practice of leaving a small amount of ashes in a vial to be worn by a loved one. Some have also chosen to reserve a small amount of ashes for use in memorial art but scatter the rest. However, there are risks to leaving any of your ashes behind in an urn or anywhere else. They have been thrown out, stolen, or worse. So it is a good idea to write down what you want to have done with your ashes and select someone you can trust.

If you caught one of the latest news stories about what supposedly happened or will happen to Kurt Cobain’s ashes, you might be inclined to have your ashes scattered somewhere remote. Seems like an artist, Australian Natascha Stellmach, said that she plans on smoking his ashes. She claims they magically appeared one day so she could have this elaborate ritual with them. She has termed what she is doing art. Just how she actually came to have his ashes is a strange mystery that only Courtney Love could ever resolve. The bottom line is that you don’t want anyone with less than a full deck to be in possession of your ashes. Hire a professional or select a trusted friend to be your spirit whisperer. Don’t be the next news story.


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