Tuesday, January 13

Respect the land when scattering ashes

Scattering ashes in wilderness areas or other areas of solitude come with a requirement to respect the land for others that come after you. Once your spirit whisperer leaves the designated trail with your ashes in hand, you want to be sure they respect and care for the plants and animals there. They will want to leave no trace of their visit and minimize any unavoidable impact to the area.

  1. Walk in areas that were used before you or on the most durable surface you can find.
  2. Don't camp near water. Stay 70 adult steps away so you will not cut off access to local animals.
  3. Don't scatter ashes near areas that show use by other people or animals
  4. If you are traveling in a group, don't shout and disturb others.
  5. Don't dig away the ground cover to scatter your ashes.
  6. Pick a nice view but don't become the view. Select a place where people won't be aware they are looking at scattered ashes
  7. Don't use an open fire. Use a camp stove and don't leave anything behind to spoil the land
  8. Above all, be discrete. Don't scatter ashes for a crowd.
  9. Be aware of the weather.
  10. Do visit when they scatter your ashes. You can give them a ghostly slap upside the head if they don't respect the land.


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