Monday, January 5

Spread your ashes in the high rugged country

In the book Lonesome Dove, the Texas Rangers were driving their cattle from Texas to Montana. As you saw in the mini-series of the same name, Montana is filled with beautiful vistas both rugged and cold. Not to be out done, Wyoming is just as rugged. A perfect place to ride a horse and view some of the earth's most beautiful open country. If you wish to be far from anyone else, there are places here to get away from everyone.

Have your spirit whisperer take a trip down the Beartooth Highway starting in Red Lodge Montana and ending in Cooke City, Montana. Along the way, you will see Beartooth pass, a great place to spread your ashes. If the pass doesn't seem like a good place to have your ashes returned to nature, try Beartooth lake. Selecting a spirit whisperer who loves to hike, will open up the Beartooth Wilderness for the final spot to spread your ashes.

The Beartooth Wilderness consists of high granite plateaus and many lakes. This is a great place to deposit your ashes so you can watch the big horn sheep, moose, bears, and fishermen. Here you can rest where Glaciers once stood and may visit again someday. Eagles, falcons, and hawks will be seen soaring over you. If you are looking for the highest peak in the wilderness, have them drop you off on Granite Peak at 12,000 feet. It is the highest point in Montana.

Consider having your spirit whisperer take a horseback trip along with your ashes to their final destination. They can stand still in the open country and imagine the land filled with Native Americans before Europeans ever stepped foot on this continent. The funeral pyre was a rite practiced there many years ago. If you were a Western or cowboy fan, this maybe the perfect place to enjoy as your final resting pace.


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