Instructions for your burial
There was another example recently where a funeral home cremated the wrong body and buried the one who was to undergo cremation. So, you need to select carefully who you are going to trust with your last wishes. Never leave any burial instructions to chance. If you plan on having your ashes spread in a special place, be safe and visit the spot if you can before you decide on it. There may be special logistics needed to get to some remote spots.
Work with your spouse or family member
Always make your burial plans with a family member because as we all know, we won't be there to help out when everything is done for our burial. It is best to express your wishes to them while getting them on board to your plans. They will have to execute your plans so they need to know how important it is to you. Fill in all the details so they don't have to wonder what you would have wanted them to do.
I don't recommend signing any contracts with service providers because who knows if they will still be in business when you need their services. It is best to save your money in a special account so you won't lose it like some have done with those prepaid burial plans. Estimate your cost and add at least 10%. Every 3 years, look at the costs again and see if you need to adjust for increases in the price of carrying out your wishes.
Have a plan
Have a plan and keep it with all your other important papers. The planning can be fun and going on vacation to see a particular scenic place has its own rewards. Plan for your cremation costs, your memorial service, and the cost to spread your ashes or have the interred. Keep it simple and you will keep it inexpensive
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